About me

I am a research fellow working in the NTU IoT Sensing Group at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. My fundamental background and broad coursework lie in the field of wireless communication, sensing and computing systems. My general research mainly focuses on networked sensing, distributed computing, and learning-based control in cyber-physical system (CPS) and internet of things (IoT) systems, including the sensor networks, mobile edge computing, data centers and visual sensing systems.

I obtained my B.Eng. degree (9/2006-6/2011) in electronics and telecommunications engineering from the Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam, and Ph.D. degree (9/2011-12/2015) in computer engineering from the University of Ulsan, South Korea. Previously, I worked as a research fellow in th Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore (NUS) from 1/2016 to 3/2018.